Can’t Fast Travel During Quest in Dying Light 2

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Dying Light 2 is an action-packed open-world game that provides players with an immersive experience. One of the notable features of the game is the ability to fast travel to different locations, making it easier for players to navigate the vast environment. However, there may be instances where players find themselves unable to fast travel during quests. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this limitation and what players can do to overcome it.

Understanding the Quest System

In Dying Light 2, quests play a significant role in progressing through the storyline and unlocking new content. Each quest is designed to provide unique challenges and objectives for players to complete. However, during certain quests, the fast travel option might be temporarily disabled to maintain the game’s immersion and ensure that players fully experience the quest’s events.

Preserving Immersion and Challenge

Disabling fast travel during quests is a deliberate design choice made by the developers to enhance the immersive nature of the game. By preventing players from fast traveling, the developers ensure that players fully engage with the quest’s narrative, environment, and challenges. This limitation adds a layer of realism and tension to the gameplay, making each quest feel more meaningful and impactful.

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Exploration and Discovery

Another reason behind the disabled fast travel option during quests is to encourage exploration and discovery. Dying Light 2 features a beautifully crafted open-world environment filled with hidden secrets, side quests, and valuable resources. By disabling fast travel, players are encouraged to traverse the world on foot, uncovering hidden gems and encountering unexpected events along the way. This limitation promotes a sense of adventure and rewards players for their curiosity.

Strategic Decision Making

The absence of fast travel during quests also forces players to make strategic decisions. With limited means of transportation, players must carefully plan their routes, consider potential threats, and manage their resources effectively. This limitation adds a layer of tactical gameplay, as players must weigh the risks and rewards of venturing into unknown territories, all while balancing the urgency of completing the quest.

Technical Limitations

While the intentional design choices mentioned above contribute to the absence of fast travel during quests, technical limitations might also play a role. Dying Light 2 is a graphically intensive game that demands significant processing power from the player’s device. During quests, the game might require additional resources to render complex environments, characters, and events, making fast travel unfeasible without compromising the overall performance and stability of the game.

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Overcoming the Limitation

Although the inability to fast travel during quests might initially seem frustrating, there are a few strategies players can employ to overcome this limitation:

1. Plan Ahead

Prioritize your quests and plan accordingly. If you anticipate being unable to fast travel, make sure to complete nearby side quests or gather resources before starting the quest that disables fast travel. This way, you can minimize the need to backtrack or leave the quest area.

2. Utilize Safe Zones

Safe zones are scattered throughout Dying Light 2’s world and provide a respite from the dangers that lurk outside. Take advantage of these safe havens to rest, replenish supplies, and strategize your next moves before embarking on a quest that doesn’t allow fast travel.

3. Upgrade Your Abilities

Investing in skills and abilities that improve your mobility, stamina, and agility can make traversing the world without fast travel more manageable. By upgrading your character’s parkour abilities or unlocking new traversal options, you can navigate the environment more efficiently, reducing the time and effort required to reach your quest destinations.

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4. Stock Up on Supplies

Before starting a quest that disables fast travel, ensure that you have an ample supply of medkits, weapons, and other essential items. This preparation will minimize the need to leave the quest area to scavenge for resources, allowing you to focus on completing the objectives without unnecessary interruptions.


While not being able to fast travel during quests in Dying Light 2 might initially seem like an inconvenience, it is ultimately a deliberate design choice to enhance immersion, encourage exploration, and add a strategic element to the gameplay. By planning ahead, utilizing safe zones, upgrading abilities, and stocking up on supplies, players can navigate the world effectively and overcome the limitations imposed during quests. Embrace the challenge, embrace the journey, and let Dying Light 2 immerse you in its thrilling post-apocalyptic world.

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