Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When Traveling

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Traveling can be an exciting and adventurous experience. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges and unexpected situations. One useful tip that seasoned travelers often swear by is carrying a crayon in their wallet. Sounds strange, right? But there’s a good reason behind this quirky travel hack. In this article, we’ll explore why putting a crayon in your wallet when traveling can be surprisingly beneficial.

1. Emergency Communication Tool

A crayon may seem like an unlikely tool for communication, but in desperate situations, it can be surprisingly useful. If you find yourself in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language, simply take out your trusty crayon and draw simple pictograms or symbols to get your message across. This can be a lifesaver when trying to convey basic needs or asking for directions.

2. Quick Note-Taking

When traveling, it’s important to jot down essential information such as addresses, phone numbers, or directions. While smartphones and digital note-taking apps are convenient, they are not always reliable. Having a crayon and a small piece of paper in your wallet allows you to quickly scribble down important details, ensuring you have a backup plan in case technology fails you.

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3. Entertainment for Children

If you’re traveling with kids, you know how challenging it can be to keep them entertained during long flights or bus rides. A crayon can be a simple solution to this problem. Children can use it to draw, color, or play games, keeping them engaged and occupied throughout the journey.

4. Emergency Candle

Unexpected power outages can occur, especially in remote areas or during natural disasters. In such situations, a crayon can serve as an emergency candle. Simply light the tip of the crayon, and it will provide enough light to help you find your way or read a map until the power is restored.

5. Luggage Marker

Traveling often involves dealing with airports, bus stations, or train terminals where hundreds of bags look similar. To avoid confusion and the stress of lost luggage, tie a brightly colored crayon to your suitcase handle. This simple trick will make it easy to spot your bag among a sea of others, saving you time and potential headaches.

6. Kids’ Identification Tool

When traveling with children, it’s crucial to have identification information readily available. By attaching a crayon to your child’s backpack or clothing, you can write their name, your contact details, and any important medical information on their belongings. This can be a great help if you get separated in a crowded place.

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7. Emergency Repair Tool

Traveling often means being away from home for extended periods. Carrying a crayon can come in handy when you need to make quick repairs. For example, if your backpack zipper breaks, rubbing the wax from a crayon along the teeth can temporarily fix the issue.

8. Currency Organizer

When traveling to multiple countries, it’s common to deal with various currencies. Keeping them organized can be a challenge. Use a crayon to separate different bills or coins in your wallet. This simple technique ensures quick and hassle-free access to the correct currency, allowing you to breeze through transactions with ease.

9. Stress Reliever

Traveling can be stressful, especially when dealing with delays, long queues, or unfamiliar environments. Surprisingly, coloring with a crayon can act as an effective stress reliever. It helps to relax your mind, alleviate anxiety, and provide a sense of comfort during challenging moments.

10. Souvenir for Kids

If you’re traveling to a destination known for its vibrant street art or local artists, carrying a crayon can be a unique way to create instant souvenirs for your children. Encourage them to leave their mark on a wall or create a small masterpiece on a piece of paper. This memorable keepsake will remind them of their travel adventures.

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Who would have thought that such a simple item like a crayon could be so versatile during travel? From emergency communication to stress relief, a crayon can serve multiple purposes. So, the next time you embark on a journey, don’t forget to tuck a crayon into your wallet. You never know when it might come to your rescue!

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