Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When You Travel

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Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of the most common concerns while traveling is keeping your belongings safe and secure. While there are numerous gadgets and strategies to protect your valuables, have you ever considered putting a simple crayon in your wallet? It may sound unconventional, but this little trick can work wonders to enhance your travel experience. In this article, we will explore the reasons why putting a crayon in your wallet can be beneficial when you hit the road.

1. Easy Identification

When you’re traveling, especially in unfamiliar places, quickly identifying your wallet is crucial. By placing a brightly colored crayon in your wallet, you can easily spot it among your other belongings. This can save you time and prevent any unnecessary stress caused by misplacing or losing your wallet.

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2. Emergency Note-Taking

Travel often presents unexpected situations, and you might find yourself in need of pen and paper to jot down important information. By having a crayon in your wallet, you’ll always have a writing tool at hand. Whether you need to write down directions, contact details, or even leave a note, the crayon can come to your rescue.

3. Keeps Wallet Contents Organized

Wallets can quickly become cluttered with various cards, receipts, and cash while traveling. The addition of a crayon can help you keep your wallet organized. You can use it as a divider, separating different types of cards or currencies. This simple trick can save you from rummaging through your wallet, searching for specific items.

4. Acts as a Backup Money Holder

While it’s always advisable to carry a secure money belt or pouch, having a backup option is never a bad idea. A crayon can serve as a makeshift money holder in case your primary method fails. Simply wrap your bills around the crayon and secure them with a rubber band. This way, you’ll have a hidden stash of emergency cash.

5. Fun and Creative Souvenir

Traveling is all about creating memories, and finding unique souvenirs is part of the experience. By keeping a crayon in your wallet, you’ll have an instant conversation starter. You can use it to draw quick sketches or give it to a child you meet along the way, spreading joy and leaving a lasting impression.

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6. Stress Relief

Traveling can sometimes be stressful, whether it’s dealing with delays, language barriers, or unfamiliar surroundings. Having a crayon in your wallet can provide a simple form of stress relief. Take it out and doodle on a piece of paper whenever you need a moment of relaxation or distraction.

7. Encourages Creativity

A crayon in your wallet may ignite your creative spark during your travels. Capture the beauty of a new destination by sketching iconic landmarks or jotting down inspiring thoughts. Engaging in creative activities can enhance your overall travel experience and help you see things from a fresh perspective.

8. Makes for a Unique Gift

While exploring different cultures, you might come across locals who show you exceptional kindness or hospitality. A crayon can make for a thoughtful and unique gift in such situations. Handing it to someone as a small token of appreciation can leave a lasting impact and bring a smile to their face.

9. Lightweight and Portable

When traveling, every ounce saved counts. Unlike other travel gadgets, a crayon is lightweight and doesn’t take up valuable space in your luggage or backpack. Its portability ensures that you can carry it with ease wherever you go, making it an ideal travel companion.

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10. Versatile Use

A crayon’s usefulness doesn’t end with its primary purpose. It can serve as a temporary sealant for small leaks in toiletries or even a makeshift candle in case of a power outage. Its versatility makes it an essential item to have in your wallet while you’re on the go.


As you can see, putting a crayon in your wallet when you travel can have numerous advantages. From easy identification to providing emergency writing tools and fostering creativity, a simple crayon can enhance your overall travel experience. So, the next time you embark on a journey, don’t forget to tuck a crayon into your wallet. You never know how this little addition can come in handy!

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