Why Put Crayon in Wallet When Traveling

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Traveling can be an exciting and adventurous experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One of these challenges is keeping your belongings safe and organized, especially when it comes to your wallet. Surprisingly, one item that can come in handy during your travels is a simple crayon. Yes, you read that right – a crayon! In this article, we will explore the reasons why you should consider putting a crayon in your wallet when traveling.

1. Easy Identification

When you’re on the go, it’s essential to have quick access to your identification cards, such as your driver’s license or passport. However, digging through your wallet can be time-consuming and frustrating. By placing a brightly colored crayon in your wallet, you can easily spot it among your other belongings, making identification retrieval a breeze.

2. Emergency Marker

During unforeseen emergencies, having a way to mark important information can be crucial. Whether you need to leave a message or jot down an address, a crayon can serve as a temporary marker on various surfaces, including paper, glass, or even fabric. It’s a simple yet effective tool that can help you communicate in urgent situations.

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3. Currency Divider

When traveling to multiple countries, it’s common to carry different currencies. To avoid confusion and maintain an organized wallet, you can use a crayon as a currency divider. Simply place the crayon between different bills to separate the currencies and ensure easy access to the correct notes when needed.

4. Wax Seal Substitute

If you enjoy sending postcards or handwritten letters to your loved ones while traveling, adding a personal touch is always appreciated. By using the side of a crayon, you can create a makeshift wax seal on the envelope, adding a unique and nostalgic element to your correspondence. It’s a creative way to make your mail stand out.

5. Quick Fix for Zippers

Imagine this: you’re exploring a bustling market, and suddenly, the zipper on your bag or jacket gets stuck. Instead of panicking, reach into your wallet and grab the crayon. Rubbing the crayon along the zipper teeth can provide a quick fix by lubricating the mechanism and allowing it to slide smoothly once again.

6. Temporary Earplug

Traveling can often involve loud and noisy environments, such as airports, train stations, or even hotel rooms with thin walls. If you find yourself in need of some peace and quiet, mold a small piece of crayon and use it as a temporary earplug. This makeshift solution can help block out unwanted noise and provide a more relaxing experience.

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7. Cord Organizer

In today’s digital age, most travelers carry various electronic devices, which means dealing with tangled cords is a common annoyance. To keep your cords organized and untangled, wrap them around a crayon before storing them in your bag or backpack. This simple trick will save you time and frustration when you need to use your electronics on the go.

8. Fire Starter

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast and enjoy camping or hiking during your travels, having a reliable fire starter is essential. Surprisingly, a crayon can serve as an effective fire starter due to its wax composition. Simply light the tip of the crayon, and it will burn slowly, providing you with a flame to ignite your firewood or camp stove.

9. Emergency Candle

Similar to its fire-starting capabilities, a crayon can also double as an emergency candle. If you find yourself in a situation where you need a light source but don’t have access to a flashlight or candles, light the tip of the crayon. It will burn steadily, providing you with enough light to navigate your surroundings temporarily.

10. Creative Outlet

Lastly, traveling often involves long journeys and downtime, such as waiting at airports or sitting on trains. Having a crayon in your wallet can be a great source of entertainment and a creative outlet. You can use it to doodle, draw, or even color in a travel journal, allowing your imagination to flow and providing a relaxing and enjoyable pastime.

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In conclusion, while it may seem unusual at first, placing a crayon in your wallet when traveling can prove to be surprisingly beneficial. From easy identification to emergency markers, currency dividers to creative outlets, a simple crayon can serve multiple purposes during your adventures. So, before you embark on your next journey, don’t forget to tuck a crayon into your wallet – you never know when it might come in handy!

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